King Khalid University


King Khalid University Rector Meets With Graduate Students

King Khalid University - Media Center

His Excellency, King Khalid University Rector, Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, held a forum with graduate students at the main campus in Abha. The forum, titled 'Graduate Studies and Vision 2030' was to discuss how graduate programs support the national objectives set forth in Vision 2030 and its appendant documents. The Deanship of Graduate Studies organized the event, which was co-chaired by the Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Ahmed Al-Fayea.

In his opening remarks, Rector Al-Solamy spoke about the critical role of graduate research and studies. University level scientific and technical research directly support innovation in many sectors as well as continued economic development. His Excellency also praised the university's graduate students, faculty and staff for the exceptional work in a variety of fields and endeavors. He also noted that the university plans on expanding graduate programs at both the masters and doctorate levels in order to serve national interests and achieve planning objectives pursuant to Vision 2030.

In his presentation, Dean Al-Fayea explained that his team's mission is to provide an academic environment that supports and encourages students to do world-class research and development work. He stated that the Deanship of Graduate Studies has a continuous improvement program to monitor, evaluate and enhance the quality of its essential functions. The purpose is to ensure that the students have all of the tools required to conduct their work in accordance with the latest international quality standards. By constantly improving academic methods, graduate students will gain further knowledge and hone their skills. Dean Al-Fayea then thanked the Rector and Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Saad Al-Amri, for their continued support.

At the conclusion of the presentations, Rector Al-Solamy recognized outstanding participants and expressed his desire to make the forum a standing annual event. The Deanship of Graduate Studies presented the Rector with two plaques to commemorate the forum.