King Khalid University


University President Launches Flexible Learning Programs

King Khalid University Media Center

King Khalid University launched the Flexible Learning Paths Program, which aims to provide innovative scientific and professional paths related to the needs of the labor market and bridge the gap between theory, knowledge and practical skill needed in the labor market today.

During the inauguration of the program, His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Faleh bin Rajaa Al-Solami, explained that the launch of the program comes to meet the university’s duty towards

building and preparing citizens and society, keeping pace with development and supporting support the process of education and lifelong learning. He university also aims to offer a flexible education model that contributes to achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 and building Globally competitive graduate.

In addition, the Adviser to His Excellency the President of the University and Chairman of the Flexible Learning Paths Committee, Dr. Salem Al-Olayani, explained that the program is carried out in partnership with local and international bodies, including the National E-Learning Platform (FutureX) and the global Coursera platform. The program contains three main programs represented in the Foundation Program, which includes four tracks that include the soft skills track, the academic skills track, the digital skills track, and the work skills track, in addition to the specialized program, which contains several specialized tracks in various fields, and the free program that provides various learning opportunities related to the individual learner's needs in any field.