King Khalid University


Tihama University Branch Organizes the First Scholarship Forum

king Khaled University- Media Center

The branch of King Khalid University in Tihama, in cooperation with the branch’s scholarship unit, recently organized the first forum for scholarships, in the presence of the general supervisor of the university’s branch in Tihama, Dr. Ahmed bin Atef Al-Shehri, and the general supervisor of the scholarship department at the university, Dr. Muhammad bin Salem Al-Shehri.

The supervisor of the scholarship unit at the university branch in Tahama, Dr. Sami bin Saad Al-Ghamdi, explained that the forum was accompanied by a number of workshops aimed at clarifying the procedures, rules and regulations required in the scholarship journey, whether internal or external, as well as standing on all matters related to scholarship affairs for teaching assistants and lecturers.

During the forum, the General Supervisor of the Scholarships Department at the university, Dr. Muhammad bin Salem Al-Shehri stressed the importance of adhering to the rules and regulations; To ensure the success of the scholarship process, and review the roles entrusted to the relevant authorities.

The forum included an open meeting with the General Supervisor of the Scholarships Department at the university and his assistant Khaled Suleiman. To explain the scholarship mechanisms and answer the attendees’ inquiries.A direct electronic meeting was also held with one of the scholarship students in the United States of America from the Tihama branch, entitled “Scholarship… Experiences and Expertise”, through which he summarized the most important steps in the scholarship process and the difficulties and obstacles that may occur and how to bypass them.

The forum was accompanied by a workshop on how to write a doctoral thesis proposal, presented by the assistant professor of chemistry at the College of Sciences and Arts in Mahayel Asir, presented by Dr. Abduallah Al Zharani , while Dr. Sami Al-Ghamdi delivered a workshop entitled “Introduction to the IELTS test and its role in university admission

It is noteworthy that the decision of His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Faleh bin Rajaa Al-Solami, to establish a scholarship unit in the Tihama branch, came about a year ago; To serve the branch's employees in more than 20 scientific departments.