King Khalid University


Google Community & KKU Tech Trip Event

king Khaled University- Media Center

King Khalid University, represented by the Student Training and Exchange Unit, in cooperation with Google community, is to hold the Tech Trip event, which includes several workshops in the fields of computers, data, design and artificial intelligence.

The supervisor of the Student Training and Exchange Unit at the university, Dr. Mona Abdullah Al-Shehri, explained that organizing this event is a first of its kind in the city of Abha, and it comes to meet the university’s desire to contribute to Vision 2030, in transitioning to digital economy.

Al-Shehri added, that the rapid development in technology calls for education institutions to provide necessary trainings for students and members in new areas and applications. She added that the event includes four workshops in the fields of computers, data, infographic design, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.

To view and register in the workshops (click here). The meeting will be held on the evening of Tuesday, 26th of Sha'ban in the central theater in Qreigir (Building 6).