King Khalid University


The University Prepares to Launch Flexible Learning Pathways

King Khalid University media center

His Excellency the President of King Khalid University, Prof. Faleh bin Rajaa Al-Solami, recently issued an administrative decision to form a permanent committee concerned with flexible learning paths, in order to achieve the university’s role in developing modern educational paths that contribute to preparing Saudi cadres to compete globally. Al-Solami, explained that the university intends to provide innovative pathways related to the needs of the labor market, and aim to achieve integration between knowledge and skills.

On his part, the Chairman of the Permanent Committee for Flexible Learning Paths at the university, Dr. Salem Al-Olayani, stressed the committee’s keenness to develop scientific paths and modern quality materials that are flexible and accelerated to cope with the modern labor market requirements.He also pointed that flexible learning paths consists of a selection of educational units that are built according to modern needs, that integrate educational path and the skills and needs of the labor market.

It is worth noting, that the Ministry of Education launched, during the last period, an initiative for flexible learning paths at the national level through the national e-learning platform FutureX.