King Khalid University


University Intellectual Unit Organizes a Meeting with the Grand Mufti and the Council of Senior Scholars

King Khalid University media center

King Khalid University, represented by the Intellectual Awareness Unit, recently organized an enrichment program for international scholarship students, which included a visit to the kingdom’s General Mufti , Chairman of the Council of Senior Scholars and General President of Scholarly Research and Ifta, Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al Al-Sheikh, at the headquarters of the General Presidency for Ifta and Scientific Research in Riyadh.

The university delegation included a number of scholarship students from ten countries, the university Vice President of Academic Affairs, Prof. Saad bin Dajam, the supervisor of the Intellectual Awareness Unit, Dr. Misfir Al-Wadi’i, and the General Supervisor of the General Administration of Scholarship Students, Dr. Saeed Al-Shahrani.

During the visit, His Excellency the Mufti praised the university, stressing the importance of providing students with legitimate knowledge and adhering to moderation and correct religious teachings, in order to carry out their mission in their countries.

On his part, the supervisor of the Intellectual Awareness Unit Dr. Misfer Al-Wadai’i, thanked his Excellency the Mufti, and the employees of the General Presidency for Ifta and Scientific Research for their efforts in serving our religion and nation. He added that the unit is keen, through these visits, to implant moderation among its international students making them ambassadors of the Kingdom’s intellectual methodology in their home countries.

Al-Wadaei, added that the unit also organized meetings with His Excellency Adviser to the Royal Court and member of the Council of Senior Scholars Sheikh Dr. Abdullah bin Muhammad Al-Mutlaq at his home in Riyadh, in addition to a visit to King Fahd National Library which is a cultural interface that reflects the level of development the Kingdom's cultural heritage.