King Khalid University


University Cyber Security Receives ISO Certificate

King Khalid University_ Media Center

The General Department of Cyber Security at King Khalid University was granted the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certificate in Information Security Management System by the International Organization for Standardization ISO, in return for its applying the highest levels of excellence in the field of information protection and security.

The General Supervisor of the General Department of Cyber Security, Dr. Muhammad Al-Saqr, explained that this achievement is the culmination of the great support the Department received from His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Faleh bin Rajaa Al-Solami, and the support and concern devoted to cyber security by our Kingdom. He noted that this achievement couldn’t have happened with out the efforts of the department’s team which he anticipates will follow with many more success in the order and security of the university’s cyber space.

It is worth noting، that the General Administration of Cyber Security obtained this certificate accredited by the International Accreditation Service Organization IAS in the United States of America after its success in passing all stages of evaluation and audit to verify compliance with the requirements of this standard, which reflects the extent of the integrity of the information security and data protection programs applied at the university.