King Khalid University


University President Reviews the Progress of “Again for You” Early Detection of Breast Cancer Initiative

King Khalid University Media Center

His Excellency the President of King Khalid University, Prof. Faleh bin Rajallah Al-Solami, recently visited the university’s early detection of breast cancer initiative and reviews its latests developments . The initiative is organized by the College of Medicine and the Medical City (outpatient clinics) under the title “ Again for you."

After touring the clinics and the mammogram and examination rooms, His Excellency the President of the University expressed his appreciation towards those in charge of initiatives commending the efforts and hard work implemented in the initiative. Al Solami said : "Medicine is an honorable and great profession, and approaching it should be in a sincere and giving spirt worthy of it, and what I witnessed today deserves pride and support, we will work towards providing to support such important medical initiatives and expand their scope, especially in remote areas."

In addition, the Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof. Sulaiman Al-Hamid, welcomed his excellency the President of the University and praised his unlimited support for the activities of the College, including this initiative, which will with grace of Allah will contribute to the early detection of this disease and the treatment of it in its early stages.

On his part, Head of the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the College of Medicine, Dr. Safar Al Saleem, explained that this initiative comes in its second edition and continues throughout the month of October 2021. While the supervisor of the initiative, Dr. Haifa Al-Hafzy, said that 600 women were registered in this initiative, where a team of female doctors and health staff carried out the necessary care to provide early breast detection. She added, that the suspected cases will be dealt with according to medical norms, further examinations will be conducted, and the necessary medical care will be provided.

It is worth noting that the initiative witnessed the visit and participation of Dr. Abeer Al-Mousa, a consultant in diagnostic and interventional breast radiology at King Fahd Medical City in Riyadh.