King Khalid University


University Signs a Memorandum of Cooperation with “Hadaf”

King Khalid University Media Center

King Khalid University and the Human Resources Development Fund (Hadaf) signed a memorandum of cooperation to support the training and employment of university graduates and students. The memorandum addressed the need of align training programs with the reality of the labor market , through programs such as Career Guidance Program, Career Development and Guidance (Sobol), Tamher Training Program , the national electronic training platform “Doroob” and the National Labor Observatory.

His Excellency the President of King Khalid University, Prof. Dr. Faleh bin Rajaa Al-Sulami, and the Director General of the Human Resources Development Fund (Hadaf) Turki bin Abdullah Al-Jaweni, also signed a memorandum of remote cooperation and which addressed the following :

- Activating the vocational guidance program through workshops in areas of professional development.

- Holding remote guidance sessions, and measuring their impact on the target groups.

- Providing university students with the knowledge and skills necessary to join the labor market through the Tamher program.

- Supporting university students to benefit from the Doroob program in accordance with the approved rules, conditions and mechanism of the program, by holding remote and interactive training sessions in various fields and specializations.

- Making university data available to the National Labor Observatory as well as working to process it and link it with market data.

According to the memorandum, it was agreed to form a team of specialists from the two parties to activate the areas of cooperation, provided that the team would provide the representatives of the two parties with unified periodic reports showing the progress of work and the stages of implementation.