King Khalid University


The College of Arts and Science in Rajal Almaa’a and the Applied branch Launch 4 New Initiatives

King Khalid University Media Center

King Khalid university represented by the college of Arts and Science and its applied branch in Rajal Al maa’a recently launched 4 new initiatives, as an extension of the initiatives launched by the college last year, which were very successful.

The Dean of the College of Arts and Science in Rijal Almaa, Dr. Siham Al Haidar, explained that these initiatives come to identify students development needs and offer the skills necessary for the job market.

Al Haider, said that the initiatives include the Digital Bag Initiative, the Technical Literacy Initiative, the Volunteer Development Initiative, and the Green College Initiative. She expressed her gratitude to the efforts devoted to achieving such programs and thanked those who support it’s success

On the details of the initiatives, Al Haidar confirmed that the digital bag initiative is consistent with the axes of the Kingdom’s vision 2030, “a prosperous economy.” and A Vibrant Society. She added the program targets the public and offers workshops from a beginner to an intermediate level.