King Khalid University


University Announces : Issuing Student Schedules and the Electronic Procedures Associated to them

King Khalid University Media and Communications

King Khalid University, represented by the Deanship of Admission and Registration, announced dates for issuing student schedules and the associated electronic procedures for the first semester 1443.

The Dean of Admission and Registration at the university, Dr. Abdul Mohsen bin Eid Al-Qarni, explained that issuing the schedules will be on Sunday, August 22, while deletion, addition operations and the internal visitors opening will begin on August 23 for a period of 6 days.

Al-Qarni added that the re-registration started on 26 of July and are open until August 29, while postponement service began on July 29th and will continue until 29th of August .

Regarding external visitors to the university , the Dean explained that applications are to be open on July 29th and will continue until September 2nd, for more details ( click here)

It is worth noting, that all procedures related to students schedules are carried out electronically, in addition to its collaboration with colleges for further adjustments required through the Tawasul" service.