King Khalid University


The university announces the dates of schedules and handling them electronically

King Khalid University - Administration of Media and Communication

King Khalid University, represented by the Deanship of Admission and Registration, announced the dates of issuing and handling schedules electronically on Academia Portal such as, (course deletion service, course addition service, and internal and external change' services) for the first semester of the next academic year 1443 AH.

In more details, the Dean of Admission and Registration, Dr. Abdulmohsen Al-Qarni explained that in cooperation with the university colleges, the deanship will start issuing the schedules on the 7th of Muharram. He also pointed out that the course addition and deletion services will be available during the period from 9th to14th of the same month. In the same regard, he noted that receiving external visitor students' requests from Saudi universities to King Khalid University will start on 14th up to 25th of Muharram. On the other hand, the services for internal visitor students will be available starting from 9th and continues up to 14th of Muharram.

The dean also confirmed that the services of dropping semester or course and re-enrollment are going to be available electronically on 16th to 21st of Muharram. Moreover, students will be able to handle their schedules through Tawasul service without coming back to the college registrar on 14th and 15th of Muharram. In the same regard, visitor students do not need to bring any document or visit the deanship headquarters because applying and reviewing the status of applications will be electronically.

It is noteworthy that the processes of accepting internal and external visitor change requests will depend on the number available in each section.

For more information about these services, (Click Here).