King Khalid University


A Meeting with the Dean of Postgraduate Studies at the University, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al Fae’

king Khalid University Media and Communications

King Khalid University pays great attention to the post graduate studies programs, through a variety of accredited graduate programs, and in accordance with international quality standards, the university seeks to enable outstanding students to continue their education and prepare them with qualifications needed for the current national job market.

The university is home to qualitative and interdisciplinary postgraduate programs in various disciplines .Recent statistics indicated that the number of university programs supervised by the Deanship of Graduate Studies amounted to more than 100 accredited programs, stressing that the deanship annually receives about 10,000 applications and more than 3,500 students enrolled in various disciplines and are currently studying in its programs.

Regarding the Deanship of Graduate Studies affairs and its executive and future plans, we met with the deanship’s dean , Prof. Dr. Ahmed bin Yahya Al Fae’, who confirmed the Deanship’s continuous endeavor to complete the adoption of additional programs through relevant councils and committees, and the development of existing programs, in addition to developing other programs that are compatible with development plans, and meet the needs of our society, and the requirements of the labor market.

During the meeting with Al Fae’ confirmed that the Deanship of Graduate Studies is working to achieve specific goals and plans by continuing to expand programs, especially the inter-professional and executive programs that serve the labor market, in addition to establishing partnerships with Saudi and international universities and updating study plans in accordance with the requirements of each stage. On tuition fees of the programs Al Fae’ explained that the Deanship, in cooperation with the faculties, took strides in opening fee-paid programs in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, and with the requirements of the labor market, indicating the Deanship’s intention to transfer all remaining programs to tuition fees programs.

It’s worth noting that the deanship of graduate studies is keen on developing programs and creating opportunities that serve the community and contribute to creating jobs.