King Khalid University


University President Inspects Final Examination COVID Precautions

king Khalid university - media center

His Excellency the President of King Khalid University, Prof. Faleh bin Raja Allah Al-Solami, visited a number of faculties to make sure all measurements and Covid precautions are applied for the final examination season to guarantee the protection of students' health during their end of year exams.

Dean of Admission and Registration Dr. Abdul Mohsen Al-Qarni explained that the university has applied a number of measurements the final exams among which are:

  • Distributing the final exams period over several weeks, and setting one test period per day for female students' to allow hygiene and sterilization preparations for the next day.
  • Transferring 66% of courses online .
  • Substituting assessment tasks and projects to exams and tests.
  • Allowing students to attend courses that require actual attendance and assuring the sterilization of all halls and classes.