King Khalid University


The University Organized an Awareness-rising Meeting

KKU - Media Center

On Tuesday, the 9th of March 2021, King Khalid University organized an awareness-rising meeting in cooperation with the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, the Ministry of Education and the Presidency of State Security, to stress the importance of discarding division and deference, and to warn against the terrorist Brotherhood group. The meeting was moderated by the supervisor of the Intellectual Awareness Unit at King Khalid University, Dr. Misfer bin Ahmed Al Wadie.

The meeting started with a speech by His Excellency, King Khalid University President, Prof. Faleh bin Rajaa Allah Al Sulami, in which he welcomed the attendees and stressed the importance of national unity and implementing values of moderation and discarding division and diference. He added that this meeting is an interaction with an initiative launched by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, to embody the University's keenness on educating its members.

After His Excellency's speech, three intellectual security specialists Dr. Fahd bin Sulaiman Al Fuhaid (Ministry of Education), Mr. Awad bin Sabti Al Anzi (Ministry of Islamic Affairs) and Dr. Abdulaziz Al Hulail (Presidency of State Security), presented the awareness-rising meeting, in which they stressed how dangerous the terrorist Brotherhood group is, adding that it's a partisan political group, and stressed that Muslims will always be one and inseparable. They also talked about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's achievements in implementing Islamic law and taking care of religion and pledge of allegiance, and they talked about the importance of unity of speech.

Of note, the meeting was held virtually, and was attended by a large number of university employees and students.