King Khalid University


Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Education … King Khalid University Hosts 21 Universities Student Clubs

King Khalid university - media center

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Education, Prof. Hamad bin Muhammad Al Al-Sheikh, King Khalid University, represented by the University ’s Student Affairs, is to launch a virtual "Student Clubs Forum for Saudi Universities" during the 18th and the 19 of the month of Rajab, with the participation of 21 Saudi universities, to discuss papers, experiences and achievements among their clubs.

His Excellency the President of King Khalid University, Prof. Faleh bin Raja Allah Al-Salami, thanked the Minister of Education for his patronage and interest in the development of the educational and academic process, stressing on the importance of the objectives and themes of the forum. He also welcomed all the participants from Saudi universities, and extending his appreciation to the Deanship of Student Affairs and those in charge of organizing the programs of this forum, he also added that this forum comes to embody the role of student clubs in Saudi universities in light of the Kingdom’s 2030 vision.

The Vice President for Educational and Academic Affairs, Prof. Saad bin Muhammad bin Dajam, said that the objectives of the forum revolve around activating the role of student clubs in Saudi universities in achieving the Kingdom 2030 vision goals, in addition to exchanging experiences and expertise in the field of developing student club programs in Saudi universities, and activating the role of volunteer work and social responsibility.

On his part the Dean of Student Affairs at King Khalid University, Dr. Abdullah bin Mansour Al Aideed, also explained that the forum is also open to all those interested to attend, pointing that the forum includes exhibitions, workshops and discussion sessions. He confirmed that the forum’s supervisory committee issued 3 awards for each of the main areas of the forum, which included visual presentations, pioneering and creative experiences, in addition to papers.

The forum also includes:

1- “ Balance your life “ workshop , presented by Eng. Ahmed bin Hussein Nakhudh, which will be held on Monday evening virtually.

2-All activities are to precede the opening ceremony which will be held on Tuesday morning, the 18th of Rajab.

To register to the program (Click here)

To view the forum agenda (Click here)