King Khalid University


14K Virtual Classes in Sixth Week of Spring 2021 Semester

King Khalid University - Media Center

The Deanship of E-learning at King Khalid University announced statistics for the sixth week of the Spring 2021 semester. The statistics included the completion of 13,976 virtual sessions and 11,037 recorded lectures.

Dean of E-learning, Dr. Naif Jabali, explained that the current educational process at King Khalid University is electronic. He praised the response of faculty members and students in facing the change to an online learning environment, noting that his team delivered a training course for faculty members and graduate students entitled "E-Learning Users". The main objective of the course was to enhance the scientific proposal process. Dean Jabali also noted that an online symposium on COVID-19 was delivered, which garnered significant participation from faculty members and students alike.

It's worth mentioning the Deanship of E-Learning — during the sixth week — offered services that numbered 4 through the phone, 195 through WhatsApp, 290 in offices, 85 in direct technical support, and 96 through email. 64% of the services were for faculty members and 36% for students. Of note, a total of 205,486 participants attended virtual lectures.