King Khalid University


World of Ideas

king Khalid university - media center

The General Supervisor of King Khalid University in Tihama, Dr.Ahmed Atef Al-Shehri, inaugurated the central activities of the Agency in his office, which serve more than 12 thousand students, in cooperation with the faculties of the branch. The activities are to be implemented during the current semester, in the presence of the vice dean of the Deanship of Student Affairs in Tihama, Dr. Abdullah Hattan.

On his part, the vice dean of Student Affairs in Tihama,Dr. Abduallah Hattan, explained that the first event to be launched is the "World of Ideas" program, which, according to his vision, is “sailing in a world full of creative and innovative ideas." The program will include activities such as, entrepreneurship and artificial Intelligence sessions

Hattan, thanked His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Faleh bin Raja Allah Al-Salami, for his interest in the university activities and his great support, he also thanked the General Supervisor of the University Branch in Tihama and the Dean of Student Affairs at the University for their follow-up and constant encouragement and interest in developing the skills of university students.

It is worth noting that , the events include courses specialized in programming IOS applications, Android applications, photography and montage programs, a competition will also be held on the level of branch colleges and will be qualifying contestants to the branch level.