King Khalid University


Project Management Development Workshop

KKU - Media Center

The Projects Agency at King Khalid University, recently held a workshop on how to Prepare an Emergency CoVid 19 Hospital with 100 ICU Beds in a Period of One Month, targeting project managers in Asir region, as directed by His Royal Highness the governor of Asir Region, Prince Turki bin Talal Al Saud, at the university city in Al Far'a.

The workshop was held after the Projects Agency at the University prepared 100 ICU beds in the University hospital, in the period of one month, to confront the Covid 19 novel pandemic, as a result of an emergency plan that was implemented as soon as the team was formed.

On his part, the project manager Eng. Amir bin Ali Asiri, explained that the project was completed before the due date, adding that the project's plan included finding a number of solutions and alternatives for the core activities that will not be available during the month.

Al Asiri, also took the workshop attendees on a tour around the hospital, during the tour he talked in detail about the methods of achievement, and the obstacles faced and defeated throughout the process. He then commended His Royal Highness, Prince Turki bin Talal Al Saud, for supporting the project by providing human resources and the required equipment to establish the hospital as soon as possible.

It's worth noting that during the hospital tour, His Royal Highness, Prince Turki bin Talal Al Saud, praised the strategic structure of the project and its implementation. The 100 ICU bed hospital inauguration ceremony was attended by His Excellency the Minister of Health Dr. Tawfiq Al Rabiah, and His Excellency, the Deputy Minister for higher education, innovation and research, Dr. Mohammed Al Sudairy.