King Khalid University


“E-learning Excellence” Initiative

KKU - Media Center

King Khalid University, College of Arts and Science at Al Majardah governorate, continues its efforts in carrying out the college recent E-learning Excellency Initiative, by holding a number of courses and workshops targeting college students and faculty members.

The number of courses, workshops and meetings held by the college has reached 68 since the start of the initiative, benefitting around 2465 students and faculty members.

The Dean of the College of Arts and Science, Dr. Maha Al Shihri, explained that the initiative members kept evaluating the instructors’ use of Blackboard tools, for each Department separately, to identify the strengths and weaknesses, and find ways to improve every area accordingly.

Al Shihri explained that the strengths, weaknesses and the aspects of improvements were measured and compared to the last report at the start of the semester, and there was a noticeable improvement by 95% in terms of activating virtual classrooms, activating advertisement, activating content uploading, exams and forums.

She added that procedures for web-based final exams have been completed, and effective solutions were also prepared to ensure an easy test-taking process without obstacles.

It’s worth mentioning that the initiative has made a number of lectures available to all segments of society, most prominent : “Mental Health Skills.” and “Successful Leadership and Development Mechanisms.” and “Skills of an Excellent Trainer.”