King Khalid University


Students Affairs Organizes a Virtual Scout Camp at Kingdom Level

King Khalid University, Media Center

Students Affairs, represented by the Scouts Team at the Agency for Cultural and Social Activities
at KKU organized a virtual Scout camp in cooperation with Saudi Arabian Scouts Association at
the kingdom.

The scout camp program included, training courses , a scout seminar and the participation of
the Head of the Scout Activity Unit at the Education Department in Aseer, Dr. Mohammed
bin Qaid Al-Asiri, who delivered a lecture entitled “Preparing scouting programs and
activities''.The participations also included a course entitled “Scout volunteer work
“delivered by the Training Specialist at Saudi Arabian Scouts Association Dr. Mansor bin
Abdulrhamn Alshareef and finally, the Scout Activity Supervisor at the Technical and
Vocational Training Corporation, Mr. Abdullah Mohammad Niazi, presented a course
entitled ''Scouting Hobbies'.

It is worth noting, that the number of people who benefited from this program reached 140 persons from various scouting sectors in the Kingdom.