King Khalid University


The Role of Scientific Research in Development" Forum Comes to an End

King Khalid University Media and Communications

King Khalid University, represented by the College of Arts and Science at Mahayel Asir, concluded " The Role of Scientific Research in Development", which began on the tenth of the Rabi` al-Akhir, under the sponsorship of the College Dean, Dr. Ibrahim Al Qaid Asiri.

At the opening ceremony, the Dean of the College thanked the post Graduate and Scientific Research Committee at the college and those in charge of the forum , while the Vice-Dean of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research and the President of the Forum, Dr. Abdullah Al-Zahrani, stressed the importance of the forum in the university’s mission to develop the role of scientific research.

The forum agenda included six sessions , which were presented over a period of two days, in which 24 researchers with various papers presented their work in a variety of fields that included: Islamic studies, Arabic and English Language, Chemistry, Physics, Biology , Mathematics, Home Economics, Information systems. The sessions witnessed the participation and contribution of a large number of participant who discussed the presented papers.

The Dean of the College concluded the forum by thanking the participants and attendees, he also thanked Dr. Abdullah Al-Zahrani, Dr. Saleh Al-Suhaimi and the organizing team.

It’s worth mentioning that the college has recently offered a number of scientific forums with the aim of promoting the culture of research, and activating the role of partnerships among university members .