King Khalid University


“E-learning Excellence” Initiative

King Khalid University Media and Communications

King Khalid university, College of Arts and Science at Al Majardah governorate, continues its efforts in carrying out the college recent E learning Excellency Initiative, by holding a number of courses and workshops targeting college students and faculty members.

The number of faculty members and students benefiting from the start of the initiative has reached 1478, according to the plan set for the initiative.Dr. Maha Muhammad Al-Shehri, Dean of the College of Arts and Science, explained that in the past two weeks , a number of workshops were held for faculty members: among which are the following workshops :

-Excluding questions that are not valid for electronic tests

-New Teaching Techniques

-Applying quality matters and standards in building online course

-Preparing the Electronic Tests"

-Preparation and Submission of a Research Project Proposal

It’s worth noting that, during the past two weeks, the initiative held a the eighth and ninth workshop, in a series of blackboard secrets to guide and motivate students towards excellence. In addition to holding a meeting with the students nominated for the first stage of the Excellence Award, as well as holding the sixth and seventh meeting with female students in the presence of the College Dean, Vice Dean and Department heads.