King Khalid University


E learning Deanship Records more than 10000 Virtual lectures in the 12th Academic Week

King Khalid University Media and Communications

The E-learning Deanship at King Khalid University, continues to provide its services to the university members and students during the 12th week of the first academic semester. The Deanship statistics show that the twelfth academic week recorded 9903 virtual lectures and 10130 recorded lecture.

On his part, the Dean of the E learning Deanship, Dr. Nayef Jabali, explained that the E-learning Deanship published three Arabic guide manuals to serve faculty members and supervised three virtual seminars and that served 1801 persons.

It is worth noting, that during the twelfth week, the Deanship also provided technical support services represented in: 229 phone calls, 224 what’s Up msg, 36 on campus support services, 11 emails and 640 live Chats.