King Khalid University


University Officials Celebrate the 6th Anniversary of the Pledge of Allegiance

جامعة الملك خالد – إدارة الإعلام والاتصال

King Khalid University Vice-Presidents and a number of its members congratulated His Majesty the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, the Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, may Allah protect them and all Saudis, on the 6th anniversary of the pledge of allegiance.

A Paradigm Shift

King Khalid University Vice-President Prof. Muhammad bin Hamid Al-Buhairi, congratulated His Majesty the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and the Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, may Allah protect them, on the 6th anniversary of the Pledge of Allegiance. He Said: “His Majesty’s 6th pledge of allegiance anniversary is celebrated while our country is living its best days under the lead of our wise leadership. The Leadership which placed the country’s development and the people at the top of its priorities. Due to prioritizing development, the citizens witnessed a paradigm shift in care and services in all the scientific, cultural, medical, social, infrastructural and economical aspects. It was a complete renaissance witnessed by the far and the near, and was realized by the young and old alike.”

Al-Buhairi confirmed the higher education sector (like any other sector) had His Majesty’s attention, who led this development march based on a strong belief that the citizens development and education are the most important investments for the nation’s future. And that universities are the development platforms, the starting point for planning and creativity, and the incubators for innovation and renewal. This belief lead to remarkable developmental leaps.

A Leader with an Outstanding Personality

The University’s Vice-President for Educational and Academic Affaires and the Vice-President in term for Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Prof. Saad bin Muhammad bin Dejum said: “We Celebrate this occasion with joy and pride, we pledge allegiance to our King His Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz. With this anniversary an era of pride and achievements is renewed. This occasion is the appropriate moment to describe His Majesty’s personality. He is a global leadership figure who positively influenced his country’s development. It would not be an exaggeration if we say that His Majesty is a global influential character who restored the Arab’s dignity. His Majesty’s qualities are rarely met in one person which are: firmness and determination to set things straight, and not to be lenient when it comes to citizen’s rights. Because citizens are the pillar of development. It is only fair to point to the amount of achievements which have been achieved, thanks to Allah, in a short period of time. The affects of the decisions which aimed to preserve the dignity of Islam and Arabism. This is the reason why citizens pledged allegiance to their King under all circumstances. The home front and citizen’s loyalty were an important factor in resolving matters and issuing firm decisions.”

A Nation’s Journey

The Vice-President of Development and Quality at the University Dr. Marzan bin Awda Al-Shahrani said: “the Kingdom celebrates the six-year anniversary of the pledge of allegiance to His Majesty the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz, may Allah protect him. We are blessed to celebrate this occasion when our county is blessed with security, safety, stability and development thanks to Allah the Almighty, then thanks our wise leadership and the Saudis”

Al-Shahrani added: “When we talk about our King we talk with pride of the King who cared for His people’s interests and their safety. the King who preserved the country’s borders and cared for our religion’s sanctities”. He viewed our nation’s journey which reached the highest progress in various fields locally and internationally in the era of King Salman. “We watch with pride our achievements and great deeds which make us confident in a bright future. On this occasion, we renew our loyalty and pledge allegiance under all circumstances. May Allah protect King Salman and His trustworthy Crown Prince, may Allah protect our country.”

Developmental Leaps

The University Vice-President for Business and Knowledge Economy Prof. Abdul Latif bin Ibrahim Al-Hadithi, congratulated His Majesty the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz - may Allah protect him- on the 6th anniversary of his rule. He stressed, this is an important occasion for every citizen. This occasion is a way to celebrate our achievements, and is a way to be thankful for being save. During this era a lot of systems have been developed and many entities were updated, along with many educational, health and developmental projects were carried out in different parts of the Kingdom. He confirmed, all these achievements have distinctive features, thereby contributing to constitute milestones in our nations journey, and a qualitative shift in advancement towards new horizons. He stressed that new policies will carry within them a strong bound the people and their leadership. Our beloved King -may Allah protect him- did everything in his power to protect people from COVID-19. Al-Hadithi prayed Allah to protect His Majesty and bless him with good health, and guide him in leading the nation’s march towards further success and development.

A King’s Intelligence

The University Vice-Dean of Female Student Affaires Prof. Kholoud Saad Abu Melha said: “on the sixth anniversary of the pledge of allegiance, we renew the pledge of allegiance to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, may Allah protect him”. She added: “In six years, His Majesty with his intelligence, wisdom and leadership skills, was able to strengthen the Kingdom’s role in regional and global affairs both politically and economically. Our Kingdom also has a more prominent presence in in international forums and global decision-making”. She also added: “These achievements will be our bright history which all Saudis would be proud of throughout time”

Strengthening the Kingdom’s Position

The General Supervisor of the University branch in Tuhamma Dr. Ahmed Atef Al-Shehri said: “the Kingdom has lived six years of growth, development, generosity, strength and determination under the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz and his trustworthy Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz - may Allah protect them. On this occasion, renew our pledge of allegiance and loyalty to this wise leadership which has made our country an example to be followed at all levels. Year after year, the Kingdom has made qualitative and developmental leaps in various fields, which strengthen the Kingdom's position regionally and globally. It also focused on citizens and ensuring they live in the best way possible, which is among the most important goals of the Kingdom's 2030 Vision. May Allah protect this country and its leaders and people, may Allah bless us with safety and prosperity”.

A Qualitative Shift

The Dean of The Collage of Sharia and Fundamentals of Religion Prof. Muhammad Zafer Al-Shehri, stressed celebrating this occasion interprets the remarkable achievements which constituted milestones in this nation’s journey, and the qualitative shifts toward new policies, especially the ones related to education and culture.

Celebrating Safety and Generosity

The Dean of the College of Dentistry Dr. Ibrahim Al-Shahrani said: “During the reign of King Salman bin Abdulaziz - may Allah protect him - the Kingdom witnessed many developmental achievements domestically, and a prominent presence internationally. and celebrating this precious occasion is celebrating safety and generosity for a period of great generosity. During which educational, health and development projects were continued in various parts of the Kingdom to benefit all levels of society.

Growth and Development

The Dean of he College of Science and Arts in Sarat Abidah, Prof. Muhammad Mutaib Kardam, congratulated the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the Crown Prince his Highness Muhammad bin Salman - may Allah protect them- on the sixth anniversary of the pledge of allegiance. He added: "We renew our loyalty and our pledge of allegiance to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz. May Allah protect our King and His Crown Prince.”

Growth and Development

The Dean of the Deanship of Human Recourses Dr. Ali bin Jaber Al-Olayani, said: “We congratulate the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud - may Allah protect him - on the sixth anniversary of the pledge of allegiance. We are fortunate to celebrate this occasion in a safe prosperous country, thanks to Allah the Almighty then to the cohesion between the people and their wise leadership.”

Al-Olayani added: “ We witnessed on the reign of King Salman - may Allah protect him - a remarkable development and growth at all levels. The historical, cultural and economic depth of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia appeared, along with its position regionally and internationally. All of which enabled it to play an important role in the region.”

A Vision and an Achievement

The Dean of of Library Affairs, Dr. Abdullah bin Saeed Al Nasser Said: “This anniversary reminds us with our achievements and ambitious vision. As well as the safety we live in during the era of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz and his faithful Crown Prince, may Allah grant them success, we pray to Allah to protect our leaders and our country.”

Generosity and Achievements

The Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translations Dr. Abdullah bin Mufreh Al Melhi said: “the whole country citizens and residents alike celebrate this occasion with hearts filled with love and gratitude for all the achievements, safety and generosity in different areas. May Allah protect leader of our march and our nation from all evil, and preserve our nation's safety.”

A Bright Future

The Dean of the Collage of Business Dr. Fayez bin Awad bin Dhafra said: “In behalf of all the employees at the College of Business, we congratulate our father and our first leader, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz - may Allah protect him - on the sixth anniversary of the pledge of allegiance. This occasion make us proud and reminds us of the processes which developed our precious country and continue to do so, with decisions to a brighter future in economics, education, health and all aspects of life.”

Interpreting Achievements

The Dean of the Collage of Education Prof. Thabit Saeed Al Kahlan, explained celebrating this occasion would be through recognizing and appreciating the achievements which were recognised globally and became milestones in our nation’s journey. Such achievements enabled for a unique transformation for our country leading to new policies in light of the 2030 ambitious vision. He added: “Celebrating this occasion is celebrating our country’s safety, achievements and generosity for a golden period during which systems were developed and state agencies and institutions were modernized at all levels”.

Growth and Prosperity

The Dean of the Collage of Engineering Dr. Muhammad Khulfa Al Misfer said: “in the sixth anniversary of the pledge of allegiance, we renew our loyalty and love for the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud - may Allah protect him. We witness our aspirations and hopes coming true. Six years of determination will for sure be followed with years of growth, prosperity and safety, under the leadership of our beloved King and his ambitious Crown Prince”.

Structural Reforms

The Dean of the Collage of Humanities Prof. Yahya bin Abdullah Al-Sharif said: “the 6th anniversary of the pledge of allegiance came while our country achieved many developments which aimed to develop the people and the whole country. The efforts were focused on the structural reforms in economics to achieve financial balance and diversification in income resources. The Kingdom achieved an influential position both regionally and internationally which was evident in the Kingdom hosting the G20 20202”.

An Exceptional Leader

The Dean of the College of Science and Arts in Muhayil Dr. Ibrahim Al Qaid said: “The sixth anniversary of the pledge of allegiance is an attribute of loyalty and allegiance to an exceptional leader. Who waged a war on corruption and did everything for his people’s advancement. We pray to Allah to bless our King and His Crown Prince”

Stories of Pride

The Dean to the Collage of Science and Arts and the Community Collage in Rejal Alma’a Dr. Siham Al Haider said: “in this occasion we renew our loyalty and pledge of allegiance to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz -may Allah protect him. Six years of achievements which will be engraved in the history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, such achievements would be stories told with pride to future generations. Six years of development and prosperity in all levels, in light of the most difficult circumstances, our Kingdom has proven that it has overcome many obstacles. The most prominent of which is the COVID-19 pandemic. May Allah protect the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its leadership and its people”.

A Great Opportunity

The Dean of the College of Science and Arts in Al-Majardah Dr. Maha Muhammad Al-Shehri said: “this occasion is great opportunity to prove our loyalty to this blessed leadership which never hesitated in serving this country and its citizens. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia aims to be at the top always, and it will be by Allah’s will”.

Growth and Generosity

The General Supervisor of the Administration of Information Technology and the Administration of Cyber Security Dr. Mohammed Saleh Al-Saqr said: “the pledge of allegiance anniversary has a special nature which reminds us of Allah’s blessings. It is a memory in which we renew our loyalty and declare our pride in an exceptional king and a great nation. And here we are, overcoming all challenges, and achieving our dreams to prove to the whole world that the leadership of the Kingdom of the Saudi Arabia and its people are united”.