King Khalid University


Organizing a symposium to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the pledge of allegiance

King Khalid University_ Media Center

The General Administration of Media and Relations at King Khalid University, is to organize on Wednesday the 3rd of Rabi’ II a symposium entitled “King Salman… Vision and Achievement”. The symposium will be under the supervision of His Excellency the University president Prof. Falleh bin Raja Allah Al-Sulami.

It will be an online symposium, and it will start on 9:00 P.M. for registration please (click here). Prof. Ahmed Al Faie ‘ the Dean of Pos-Graduate Studies, Professor of Modern and Contemporary History and Supervisor of King Khalid University Research Chair, will tackle King Salman’s history and achievements. As for women empowerment, and development in the reign of King Salman, the Vice-President Prof. Kholoud Abu Melha will cover this topic in detail. The Director of the Research and Social Studies Center, and a Literature Assistant Professor, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Mohseni, will review the cultural aspects. Dr. Muhammad Al-Saqr, an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Supervisor of the Departments of Information Technology and Cybersecurity, shed light on technology and digital transformation in the Kingdom. The symposium will be moderated Dr. Saleh Al-Suhaimi, Professor of Literature and Vice-Dean of the Educational and Academic Affairs at the College of Science and Arts in Mahayel Asir.

The symposium is a part of a series of programs offered by the university to celebrate this precious occasion.