King Khalid University


KKU Signs Partnership Agreement with the Khwarazm Scientific Group

King Khalid University media center

His Excellency King Khalid University President Prof. Dr. Faleh bin Raja Allah Al-Solami, witnessed on Monday evening the 2nd of November 2020, the signing of the partnership agreement between the university and the Khwarazm Scientific Group for publication, in order to provide university courses on an electronic platform with the possibility of linking them to the "blackboard" ".

The university represented by the Deanship of Library Affairs seeks through this partnership to facilitate the access of courses in addition to the accessibility of publications, with the aim of improving learning outcomes and modernizing the process of digital transformation

The university was represented in the signing of this agreement by the university's vice president of Academic Affairs , Postgraduate studies and scientific research intern Prof. Saad bin Muhammad bin Dajam, while on the Khwarazm Group for Publishing was represented by its general director, Prof. Mesfer bin Saad Al-Bassam.

On his part the Dean of the Deanship of Library Affairs Dr. Abduallah Al Naser, explained that the most important results of this agreement are to meet the needs of students in providing all Arab and foreign courses decided by on the Khwarazm scientific website, in addition to updating old or existing university courses and publications from all publishing houses.

The Khwarizm, will also enable university students to use the "Academic Tech Book”platform, which is characterized by a number of electronic services, most notably foreign electronic books, the ability to covert university publications into electronic books e-pub, an interactive student environment and a question bank.