King Khalid University


The University Provides Smart Devices to More than 160 Students

King Khalid University media center

King Khalid University, represented by the Guidance and Counseling Center at the Deanship of Student Affairs, recently issued a decisions to assign more than 160 students with smart devices as part of the university’s initiative to facilitate the distance education process.

The Supervisor of the Guidance and Counseling Center, Dr. Waddah Al-Alami, explained that this initiative is part of the university’s attention towards providing all necessary support to help implement distance learning , pointing that a committee was formed by the center and the Student Fund to follow up and study the requests received by the colleges, in order to ensure the validity of all inquiries according to the fund guideline approved by the University Council.

Al-Alami, also thanked the university administration for its keenness and interest to contribute to the development of all students and the overcoming of difficulties faced during their university experience, he also thanked the Guidance and Counseling Center and the Student Fund employees for their hard work and efforts.