King Khalid University


The Collage of Science and Arts in Al-Majardah continues the “E-learning Excellence” initiative

King Khalid University_ Media Center

The Collage of Science and Arts at King Khalid University in Al-Majardah, continued working on the “E-learning Excellence” initiative which was recently launched. The Collage launched a number of courses and workshops which targeted the Collage’s students and faculty members.

The Dean of the Collage of Science and Art in Al-Majardah Dr. Maha Al-Shehri, explained the initiative held a number of courses and workshops during the sixth and seventh week of its launch. The courses included a course in designing and producing digital content, a course in electronic courses, and a workshop on the tools for evaluating faculty member performance.

Al-Shehri also explained, a course on interaction in electronic sessions was held on the seventh week. As well as a course on planning to measure learning outcomes for electronic tests, and a workshop on BlackBoard to guide students and motivate them.

On ensuring the progress of the educational process, the college prepared reports on the extent of activating blackboard tools, through the initiative. It also had access to faculty members blackboard accounts to identify the strengths and weaknesses in activating the tools. A motivational plan has been set for faculty members to develop and complete the deficiencies, along with a number of development and improvement strategies.

It’s worth mentioning that the initiative has judges from the University to judge the lessons presented.