King Khalid University


e-Learning Workshops at the College of Arts and Science at Al Majardah Governorate

King Khalid University media center

The Female Section at the College of Arts and Science at Al Majardah Governorate, recently launched the "Excellence in E-learning" initiative, with the aim of educating college faculty members and students on the importance and mechanisms of e-learning.

Maha Al-Shehri, Dean of the College of Science and Arts at Al-Majardah, explained that the initiative was launched at the beginning of the current semester, through identifying the tasks ,topics and mechanisms for implementing the initiative, as well as determining students and staff training needs.

The initiative includes a number of training courses and workshops, such as “educational resources”, the “basics of learning management system”, blackboard series”, in addition to “innovation in e-learning”, and a course on Data analysis using SPSS software.

The initiative, also held a forum to discuss the difficulties faced in education, assessments and electronic tests, and the solutions to these difficulties. In addition to offering content on the "blackboard" for new students to master Blackboard tools .

It is worth noting, that the college analyzed reports provided by faculty members on students interaction with e-learning tools to determine the weaknesses and work on solving them .