King Khalid University


Various Programs to Celebrate International Teacher Day

King Khaled University -Media Center

The Saudi Scientific Society for Teachers (Jesm) launches a set of programs and events as a participation in the International Teachers Day.

the association is participating in a scientific symposium in cooperation with the College of Education at King Khalid University,entitled "Teacher and Renewable Roles", presented by the Chairman of the Society's council management Prof. Abdullah bin Ali Al Kassi, on Monday, under the patronage of His Excellency King Khalid University Rector , Prof. Faleh bin Reja-Allah Al-Solami; in addition to a visual film about the association, its goals and activities, to celebrate this occasion in the College of Education at the University of Tabuk.

Maryam Khairy, Member at the association’s council management, also participated with a scientific paper entitled“ The role of scientific societies in the professional development of the teacher", at the College of AlAredhah of Jazan University.

The association also launched a number of initiatives, the most important of which is the partnership initiative with a number of educational departments across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and sharing activities and events, Abdullah Al-Kassi said.