King Khalid University


University Council Approves Conflict of Interest Policy Regulation for University Employees

King Khalid University media center

On behalf of His Excellency the Minister of Education, His Excellency King Khalid University President Prof. Falleh bin Rajallah AlSolami, chaired the university second council for the academic year 1442Ah, which was held virtually in the presence of the His Excellency the Secretary General of the Council of Universities Affairs, Dr. Muhammad bin Abdulaziz Al-Saleh and the council members.

The University Vice President of Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, council secretary Prof. Saad bin Abdulrhamn Almary, explained that the council discussed a variety of academic issues and recommended the following:

-Accepting donations to support the University endowment.

-Approving conflict of Interest policy regulation for university employees.

-Approving the appointing of a new member to the Permanent Committee of Scholarship and Training.