King Khalid University


Tehama Campus Concludes Standardized COVID-19 Transportation Safety Protocols

King Khalid University - Media Center

The Tehama Campus Technical Affairs Division, represented by the Traffic and Transport Department, concluded the "Safe Driving" course, in cooperation with the Driving and Traffic School in Mohayil. The course aims to implement standardized COVID-19 safety protocols in order to protect both drivers and students onboard.

Tehama Campus General Supervisor, Dr. Ahmed bin Atef Al-Shehri, said: "The course aims to develop the driver skills and performance. Student safety is one of the priorities that the university is keen on. We are properly mandating the use of personal protective equipment for self-protection and the protection of others. I praise the cooperation of relevant government agencies in providing everything that contributes to trainees' development."

"The safe driving course comes within a group of developmental courses we are offering. Some of those courses cover topics on safety and security administration, movement and transportation, operation and maintenance, first aid, safe driving, and emergency evacuation. I thank the general supervisor and director of the driving school in Muhayel, Professor Mohamed Zayed," said Abdulrahman Moraee.

Of note, the Movement and Transportation Department has completed its preparations for the beginning of the academic year. Muhammad Al-Haili, Director of the Movement and Transport Department, said: "Preparations consisted of organizing transportation that includes the application of precautionary measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in 55 of our buses. By providing sanitizer, panels for spacing distances between the seats, in addition to determining the number of beneficiaries in each bus, we are ensuring that buses are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized at the end of each run by professionally trained cleaners."