King Khalid University


University Explains Satellite Campus Admissions Process

King Khalid University - Media Center

King Khalid University, explained that the 2020-21 admissions process is entirely online and will be executed with the utmost transparency through the university portal (click here). The university confirmed that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the university had reduced the rate required for the achievement test from (40%) to (20%) in consideration of the current situation.

The university also clarified that the branch colleges in the surrounding governorate were established to serve students and locals living in these areas. For that, the Deanship of Admissions and Registration has considered that the number of available student enrollments in these colleges is limited. Therefore, female students from outside those governorates were not accepted due to this limitation.

The university noted that the difference in the student percentages in the colleges of art and theory between male and female students is the result of the achievement test. Regarding the lowest percentages to be accepted, the university explained that depending on the average student percent and the available number of enrollments, the lowest rate will be determined.

Of note, all vacated seats due to the withdrawal of students would be fully occupied by students who meet the admission requirements by the announced conditions, as the immediate admission and admission transfer service (from here) is available until Saturday the 18th Dhu al-Hijjah.