King Khalid University


29,500 Students Continue the Summer Semester Online

King Khalid University - Media Center

King Khalid University continues the summer semester online for more than 29,500 students in different majors and headquarters in Abha and other Asir provinces. The total number of courses reached 653 courses delivered by 594 faculty members to 1,678 sections.

Dean of E-learning, Dr. Fahad Al-Ahmari, explained that during the fifth week of the summer semester (7-11/11/1441 AH), the total number of users who logged in was 106,047, the reviews were 121,420, the discussion boards were 12,985, the viewed files were 3,002, the virtual classroom sessions were 1,544 and the attendees to these sessions were 43,553.

As for technical support, Dean Al-Ahmari confirmed that the technical support requests reached 321 through different means. The Deanship implemented during the fifth week a course on Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR). The course, which teaches the underlying principles behind the QM Rubric, was attended by 24 faculty members. Another course was for students on e-learning skills was attended by 550 students.

Of note, the Tamkeen YouTube channel continued to provide educational services where the number of videos since the beginning of the summer semester reached 277. The channel had 20,403 views in 624 hours.