King Khalid University


Mobaderoon Initiative Benefits 27k in Just the First Stage

King Khalid University - Media Center

King Khalid University continues to execute the programs of the Mobaderoon initiative, which was launched at the beginning of Ramadan and will continue until the end of summer break. With a variety of programs, Mobaderoon is well-positioned to help faculty members and their children, students, and the public writ large.

His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy explained that the beneficiaries found this program interesting because it tackled different topics, and met the requirements of the community, faculty members and students. Rector Al-Solamy added the program aims to utilize the leisure time of faculty members and their children, students, and the public writ large.

Project Supervisor and the University President Advisor, Dr. Nasser Mansour Tayran, explained that during the first stage, from the 1st till the 24th of Ramadan, the Mobaderoon delivered 22 programs. They vary between competitions, training courses, seminars, and meetings which were implemented in 571 hours. The total number of participants reached 27,236 with 16,903 being male and 10,333 being female.

On the executed programs, Dr. Tayran explained that they include six programs targeting faculty members and employees, two programs targeting students, and fourteen programs targeting community members, three of which were for females. The programs were delivered by 96 trainers and experts from the university and 48 from outside.

Dr. Tayran added that the offerings delivered during Ramadan included various and distinctive programs that go in line with the spirituality of the Holy Month, most prominently "Quran in Ramadan". He made mention of another program titled "Al-Ma'ali" (Excellency) which hosts characters who used to work at the University and acquired the title "Excellency" outside of it. In addition to a number of programs which include medical and psychological counseling, programing bootcamps, competitions, medical, cultural and mental health programs, courses for learning English, and programs in other fields.