King Khalid University


29K Students Admitted to Summer Semester: Deanship of Admissions and Registration Provides Overview

King Khalid University - Media Center

The Deanship of Admissions and Registration completed the online admission of more than 29,700 students in the summer semester of the current academic year. The students were admitted in 1,623 sections, and they represent more than 50% of the student body population.

Dean of Admissions and Registration, Dr. Abdulmohsen Algarni, explained that the Deanship issued statistics on its operations during the suspension. He added immediately after announcing school suspension due to COVID-19, all the sections have been transformed into online learning automatically. This allowed the online learning system to work with these sections according to a new mechanism. The total number of sections that were transformed fully into online learning reached 15,069, 10324 of which were for theoretical activities and 4,745 were for other activities.

Receiving 22315 Inquiries

In relation to responding to questions and inquires sent to the Deanship, Dean Algarni explained that during suspension all students were able to send their inquiries online through Tawasul, which totaled 22,315 in number.

Dean Algarni confirmed that the Deanship posted new information on social media and sent text messages to the students during this period. It also activated a service where all the calls to the office phones are transferred directly to mobile phones through Cisco Jabber. This, he noted, ensured a quick response.

Coordination and Supervision

Dean Algarni added that the Deanship worked in coordination with the General Administration of Information Technology to enable access to the academic system from home for the responsible parties

Evaluation Mechanism

The Deanship changed the course evaluation mechanism to 80 marks on performance in class and 20 marks on the final exam. Courses at the College of Medicine were an exception, where permission was given to excluded courses from the 80/20 rule and change the evaluation accordingly.

Academic Operations

On academic operations, which included the possibility of withdrawing from one or more courses or dropping the semester, Dean Algarni explained that the Deanship enabled that to all students through Academia.

Dean Algarni stated that the total number of academic operations since the beginning of suspension reached 904,457. He stressed that the Deanship did not include student withdraw inquiries for the current semester from the student's academic credits. All students were allowed to sit for the final examination.

Freshmen Inquiries and Graduation Certificates

On receiving freshmen inquiries who wished not to calculate their GPA, he said: "The system has been prepared to receive and sort these inquiries, and their situations have been addressed before the end of the semester."

Graduation certificates from some Medical Colleges were printed and graduates were told of the appropriate time to take them from the Deanship. The Deanship also received the graduates' national address on the academic system and delivered the certificates to more than 9,000.

Pamphlets and Booklets

Dean Algarni explained that the number of pamphlets and evidence of use, in addition to text messages and notifications sent to students and faculty members reached 1,341,085. These pamphlets were made in line with the new mechanisms, so it is easier to work with them. They were also posted on all official social media accounts.

As for preparing for the next stage, Dean Algarni said: “The University academic calendar for the next year 1442 AH was made. Arrangements were made with colleges to provide the Deanship with numbers of transfer operations for the first semester of the academic year 1442 AH. In addition to determining the dates of external and internal transfers and changing the academic degree to a diploma.:

Mo'ahal Service

He explained that the Deanship was provided with Mo'aha Service, which includes almost 52,000 student files in Jadarah. The Deanship executed it in two stages. In the first stage, the Deanship completed the required initial data from the Ministry. In the second stage, all the data was entered and the files were withdrawn from the colleges and archived electronically. The Deanship made an action plan for the first stage to complete the files where the graduates in the paper records in various colleges were sorted. The file sent from the Ministry was also sorted and analyzed for available and unavailable data and necessary communication with relevant authorities was made to withdraw old student data.