King Khalid University


Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education Benefits 2,400

King Khalid University - Media Center

With 2,493 beneficiaries, the Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education continues to exceed expectations through a number of programs—applied diplomas, training courses, community participation, and volunteer work.

Dean of Community Service and Continuing Education, Prof. Omar Alwan Aqeel, said: "The Deanship provided 12 applied diplomas to 512 participants classified by the Ministry of Civil Service and accredited from King Khalid University. These diplomas include a Diploma in Applied Programming, Human Resources Management, Accounting, Office Management, English Language, Occupational Safety, and Health Diploma."

In order to meet the labor market demand, and to qualify graduates to obtain employment through the Ministry of Labor, the Deanship provided 103 training hours to 272 participants in AutoCAD, structural modeling of buildings using SAP2000, in addition to the diploma programs to get the law license.

Furthermore, as part of its social responsibility, the Deanship launched the eighth educational health awareness forum in Al-Harjah, which served 800 through cultural programs and health clinic services.

Of note, the Deanship will continue to serve the community with innovative programs via distance learning in cooperation with the Deanship of E-Learning.