King Khalid University


Deanship of Graduate Studies Initiates 3 Programs and 9 Training Courses

King Khalid University - Media Center

The Deanship of Graduate Studies defended 113 MA theses and 46 Ph.D. theses in different colleges and departments. Each defense session also known as viva voce was attended by a panel of judges, senior leadership, and members of the public and private sector.

Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Ahmed Al-Fayea, explained that his team worked on admission procedures in 84 MA, Ph.D. and Postgraduate Diploma programs. Admission procedures were finalized in 50 MA and Ph.D. scholarship based programs with the names of the admitted students being announced. A detailed framework of admissions to 34 MA, Ph.D. and Postgraduate Diploma programs (both paid and scholarship based) were made in what is considered the second stage of admission. Admission to these programs will start on the 10th of Shawwāl as announced.

On the statistics related to the Deanship’s online work during school suspension, Dean Al-Fayea explained that 478 decisions were made online. Eight meetings of the Deanship Council were held where 144 topics were discussed and proper recommendations were made. 312 decisions were taken based on the authorization granted by the Deanship Council. 121 of these decisions were related to plans and 15 to additional opportunities in addition to 165 decisions to form discussion committees and 6 decisions related to student enrollment. 2 decisions were dedicated to appointing alternative supervisors and 3 to changing research titles. The Internal Enrollment Committee held 2 meetings where 22 topics were discussed and decisions were made. The number of programs and courses offered by the Deanship reached 12, including three programs and nine training courses.