King Khalid University


University Officials Congratulate the Class of 2020: The Pillars of the Future

King Khalid University - Media Center

King Khalid University Vice President, Dr. Mohammed Al-Buhairi, congratulated the Class of 2020 and their families. He also congratulated our nation's leaders for providing an environment that will allow the Class of 2020 to contribute to our nation's bright future.

Vice Rector for Educational and Academic Affairs, Prof. Saad Du'ajim, highlighted that graduation day is an unforgettable memory. It is the beginning of a whole new journey with new hopes and aspirations. He expressed his happiness in congratulating them on the day when they see the result of their hard work. He prayed to Allah to keep everyone safe and aid the Class of 2020 in developing this great nation.

Vice Rector of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Saad Al-Amri, expressed his gratitude to His Royal Majesty the King and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince for their continuous support to the education sector. He thanked the Ministry of Education represented by His Excellency the Minister for his support. He also thanked His Royal Highness the Governor of Asir for his efforts in supporting King Khalid University. Vice Rector Al-Amri then congratulated the University Rector for this achievement and congratulated the graduates for their excellence. He urged them to invest everything they learned in serving their nation and developing themselves.

Vice Rector for Academic Development and Quality, Dr. Merzin Al-Shahrani, pointed out that King Khalid University is like any other Saudi university in celebrating a new class of graduates. He explained that this was a result of our wise leadership’s interest in education and interest in the youth. He congratulated the graduates for their achievement, hoping they would achieve all their dreams and develop their nation.

Vice President for Business and Knowledge Economy, Prof. Abdulatif Al-Hadithi, congratulated the graduates. He urged them to apply their acquired knowledge into working hard, showing Islamic identity and belonging to their nation and leadership. He confirmed that King Khalid University celebrates this class of graduates as its mission to qualify national cadres to play their role in developing their community. He concluded by commending our wise leadership, may Allah support them.

Vice Rector of Female Student Affairs, Prof. Kholod Abu Melha, expressed her happiness with the Class of 2020. After spending four years they acquired knowledge in different fields she related. She confirmed that they would be pillars to our nation's future under the tutelage of our wise leaders.

Tehama Campus General Supervisor, Dr. Ahmed Atif Al-Shehri, explained that under these circumstances, King Khalid University did everything within its power to hold this ceremony. The university wanted to spread joy because the Class of 2020 deserves to celebrate after working so hard. He congratulated every hard-working student and thanked every official, instructor and employee who had a role in the educational process that resulted in graduating a generation armed with knowledge that will contribute in developing the nation.

Dean of Admissions and Registration, Dr. Abdulmohsen Algarni, confirmed that under these exceptional conditions where our nation prioritized the citizens' safety, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia set an example to the whole world showing what human worth means. Our nation made sure all sectors continued their tasks unaffected by the circumstances. For this reason, he noted, King Khalid University celebrated the graduation of more than 13,000 graduates. Dean Algarni highlighted that he expects them to contribute in building a prosperous economy for our ambitious nation.

Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Ahmed Al-Fayea, expressed his happiness for announcing the masters and doctorate results of the 22nd batch in different fields. These fields include Religious Studies, Humanities, Education, Science and Medicine. He pointed out that the total number of graduates reached 535, 75 of whom were PhD holders while the other 460 were MA holders. He stressed how happy and proud the university community is in graduating this distinguished batch.

Dean of Community Service and Continuous Education, Dr. Omar Alwan Aqeel, explained that this ceremony is a pleasant occasion for King Khalid University because it presents to our county a batch of educated graduates who have developed themselves. There is no doubt that preparing qualified human cadres is a great responsibility. Developing minds is not easy, it is a very complicated process, only a few people master it. He added: "On this occasion, I trust that a graduate from our university will be - by Allah's will - distinguished in their work, religious commitment and manners. You, graduates, are one of King Khalid University's most important achievements, and our doors will always be open for you.” Dean Aqeel congratulated the nearly 600 graduates of applied diplomas in the Deanship of Community Service and Continuous Education.