King Khalid University


Tehama Campus Continues to Implement Preventive Measures Against Covid-19

King Khalid University - Media Center

In view of the recent developments related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Office of Technical Affairs at the Tehama Campus has implemented a contingency plan, which extends to all campuses, in line with the guidelines of national and international health authorities. The contingency plan produced immediate effects on all campuses at King Khalid University.

Tehama Campus General Supervisor Assistant, Abdurahman Mureea, explained that the plan was implemented by intensively sterilizing buildings and distributing hand sanitizers to all employees. The task force, under the supervision of Tehama Campus General Supervisor, Dr. Ahmed Atef Al-Shehri, appointed by His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy, contains measures and recommendations for each individual member of the academic community in order to minimize the transmission risks and the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Services and Maintenance Department Director, Meteb Al-Shehri, added that protective measures were also implemented at maintenance staff housing, noting that guidelines stipulating only two people to a room were adhered to. Also, he noted that all compounds where maintenance staff reside are routinely sterilized with access to frequent temperature checks and medical treatment as needed.

Director of Medical Clinics at Tehama, Fayez Issa, explained that the outpatient clinics in Tehama have implemented preventive measures by implementing visual sorting points at the clinic entrance and safe pathways for all the patients.

Director of the Security and Safety Department, Mohammed Al-Asimi, confirmed that all entrances are now sorting points where whoever enters is examined for Coronavirus for the safety of all.

Of note, more than 100 volunteers from the Office of Technical Affairs registered with the Ministry of Health's "Health Volunteer Platform" to help in the Kingdom's frontline battle against COVID-19. You can register in "Health Volunteer Platform" by clicking here.