King Khalid University


Tenth University Council Meeting Held Online

King Khalid University - Media Center

On behalf of His Excellency the Minister of Education and the Chairman of King Khalid University Council, His Excellency, King Khalid University Rector Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, chaired the tenth meeting of the University Council on 5 May 2020. Attendees to the meeting included His Excellency, Secretary General of the Higher Education Council Dr. Muhammad Abdulaziz Al-Saleh, all the Council members, including vice rectors, faculty deans, and deans of supporting deanships.

Opening with praise to Allah, and Allah's Peace and Blessings upon His Final Messenger, His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy began the meeting. Following after, Vice Rector of Graduate Studies, University Council Secretary, Prof. Saad Al-Amri, reviewed the topics on the council agenda and explained that the Council announced the following:

  • The establishment of a local advisory board at King Khalid University;
  • New regulations for the KKUx platform;
  • New regulations of the university's Journals and Scientific Societies Unit;
  • Sabbatical request approvals;
  • The acceptance of donations to support a number of university student programs.

Vice Rector Al-Amri added that the Council approved a number of graduate programs, including a higher diploma in oratory, a Master of Arts in Autism Spectrum Disorder, a Doctorate in Educational Administration and Supervision, a Master of Arts in Language and Media, and Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology.