King Khalid University


Providing Asir's General Directorate of Health Affairs With Medical Equipment to Combat COVID-19

King Khalid University - Media Center

Members of the COVID-19 medical equipment initiative held their second meeting with Asir's General Directorate of Health Affairs. The meeting was attended by the region's COVID-19 Pandemic Team and the Director of the Regional Medical Laboratory, Vice Director of Medical Services, Dr. Abdullah Kaddah

The meeting started with a brief introduction to the initiative and a view of its manufacturing capabilities and output. They discussed the equipment that will aid health practitioners, especially lab specialists who take samples of the virus. At the end of the meeting, the initiative's team toured laboratory facilities.

The team's leader Dr. Ahmad Ali bin Dejum explained that the first delivery contained more than 500 jams designed by 3D printers. These jams are meant to be used by health practitioners, medical teams working in the Regional Laboratory and COVID-19 response teams. He also mentioned that 500 controllers capable of interfacing with most doors, drawers, and lights are nearly ready for delivery. He added the next period would be devoted to manufacturing all the requested equipment in coordination with the Command and Control Center at Asir's General Directorate of Health Affairs, noting that initial demand entails the rapid delivery of ventilator spare parts and nose swab tools.

It's worth mentioning that this collaboration comes under the concept of enhancing the partnership between the academia, private and government industry to control COVID-19 while promoting global models and executing the urgent action plan in the governorate set by Asir Gov. Prince Turki bin Talal bin Abdulaziz.