King Khalid University


Strategic Media Communications in Times of Crisis: Media Center Offers Insights

King Khalid University - Media Center

The Administration of Media and Communication recently organized an online workshop entitled "Strategic Management of Media and Communication in a Changing World", Strategic Planning Administration Advisor, Eng Mohamed Saad El-Banna, delivered the 4-hour workshop to approximately 1,000 trainees. Afaaq Newspaper Assistant, Ms. Reem Asiri, moderated the workshop as it moved through the topics as follows:

  • The Challenges in Building a Public Relations Strategy;
  • The Definition and Components of a Strategy;
  • The Idea and Concept of Public Relations;
  • Principals and Goals of Public Relations;
  • Modern Jobs Related to Public Relations;
  • Strategic Domains of Public Relations;
  • Levels of Communication;
  • Relation Patterns and Strategic Management of Public Relations;
  • Steps to Manage Public Relations;
  • Stages of Forming Public Opinion.

Eng. El-Banna explained that the workshop aimed to raise awareness of the challenges of public relations in a changing world. It also aimed to spread awareness on the procedures of public relations strategic management and developing leadership and management skills associated with engaging with the public. The workshop targeted different levels of leadership that included human capital consultants and supervisors, personnel affairs officials, and specialists in dealing with the public. General Supervisor of the General Administration of Media and Communication, University Spokesperson, Dr. Mufleh Al-Qahtani, confirmed that this workshop was organized for the importance, delicacy, and difficulty of the process of strategic planning in the field of media and relations, noting that the field requires special skills and high proficiency because it is innovative and renewable.

Mr. Mohammad Shami, a scholarship student, described how the Kingdom's rich culture and the community’s awareness contributed to his belief in the Ministry of Health's message, which resulted in positive results and propelled the Kingdom to the forefront of the world with its procedures and societal awareness and cooperation.