King Khalid University


University Rector Issues a Number of Assignment Decisions

King Khalid University - Media Center

His Excellency, King Khalid University Rector Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, issued several appointment decisions, wishing those granted extensions continued success in their endeavors. He also explained that we are looking forward to benefitting from the talents and efforts of the new appointees.

University Spokesperson Dr.Mufleh Al-Qahtani announced the extensions and assignments as follows:

  • Assignment: Dr. Muhammed Hamad Al-Buhairi, University Vice President;
  • Extension: Dr. Nasser Mohammed Al-Qumaishan, Vice Dean of Development and Human Resources, Deanship of Human Resources;
  • Extension: Dr. Mohammed Zaidan Al-Mafood, Vice Dean, College of Education;
  • Assignment: Dr. Gaida Ali Alamri, Vice Dean of Educational and Academic Affairs, Home Economics Department Head, College of Science and Arts at Mohayil;
  • Assignment: Dr. Sami Musbeh Al-Shehri, Vice Dean, Deanship of Academic Development and Quality;
  • Assignment: Dr. Ahmad Ismail Al-Haider, Vice Dean, Deanship of Graduate Studies;
  • Extension: Dr. Tahani Musleh Al-Melbi, Vice Dean, College of Pharmacy;
  • Extension: Dr. Muna Abdullah Al-Shehri, Vice Dean, Faculty of Languages and Translation;
  • Extension: Ali Nasser Al-Sohali, Vice Dean for Academic and Educational Affairs, College of Science and Arts at Sarat Abidah;
  • Extension: Dr. Mohammed Abadi Al-Selaim, Vice Dean of Scientific Research, College of Medicine;
  • Extension: Dr. Abdullah Yahya Al-Zahrani, Vice Dean, College of Medicine College;
  • Extension: Dr. Abdulaziz Saeed Al-Hajri, Supervisor, Organizational Development Unit;
  • Extension: Dr. Huda Ahmad Al-Ghamdi, Supervisor, Biology Department, College of Science;
  • Assignment: Fahad Abdullah Al-Ahmari, Supervisor, Design Unit, KKUx;
  • Assignment: Dr. Salem Fayez Alelyani, Head, Artificial Intelligence Center;
  • Extension: Dr.Hasan Mohammed Al-Musa, Head, Family Medicine Department, College of Medicine;
  • Extension: Dr. Saad Jubran Al-Qahtani, Head, Geography Department, College of Humanities;
  • Extension: Dr. Ali Safar Al-Bassam, Head, Pharmaceutics Department, College of Pharmacy;
  • Extension: Dr. Abdullah Husain Al-Shehri, Head, Qur’an Sciences Department, College of Shariah and Fundamentals of Religion;
  • Assignment: Mansor Mesfir Al-Qahtani, Consultant, Office of the Rector;
  • Assignment: Saad Mesfir Al-Faisali, General Director, Administration of Internal Audit;
  • Assignment: Saad Ali Al-Shahranim, General Director, Administrative and Financial Affairs.