King Khalid University


15 Viva Voces Held Online

King Khalid University - Media Center

In a move to ease the process of graduating students amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic, the College of Education, the College of Sharia and Fundamentals of Religions, and the College of Humanities transitioned the viva voce, a verbal thesis defense, to an online environment. Last week, six theses were defended in which four were doctoral and two were at the masters level. The total number of attendees reached more than eighty people per session. Three doctoral and six masters theses are to be defended in the upcoming week.

Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Ahmed bin Yahya Al-Fayea, explained that several viva voce sessions are going through the scheduling process, adding that this digital transformation is a response to national directives. He expressed his gratitude to His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy, Vice Rector of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Saad Al-Amri, and all parties who supported the transition.

Abdullah Jabra, Yahya Al-Aydi and Muhammad Al-Mubarak of the College of Education and Fawzia Al-Harith and Maram Al-Farhan of the Humanities College expressed their gratitude to King Khalid University for this distinguished academic move. They explained that the online delivery system helped them achieve their dream without any delay.

Of noteworthy mention, the Deanship of Graduate Studies in cooperation with the Deanship of E-learning and the colleges involved were among the first in the Kingdom to implement online viva voces in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic.