King Khalid University


College of Medicine Organizes Seminar on Coronavirus

King Khalid University - Media Center

His Excellency, King Khalid University Rector Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, opened the Coronavirus (COVID-19) seminar organized by the College of Medicine. The purpose is to raise awareness of the risks, prevention methods, and response to the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19. Many university faculty members and administrative staff attended the event.

Several distinguished faculty members of the College of Medicine gave presentations, including Professor of Community Medicine and Public Health at the Family and Community College, Dr. Abdullah Al-Sabaani; Consultant on Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases at University Medical City, Dr. Nada Al-Shehri; Consultant of Internal Medicine and the Intensive Care Unit, Dr. Ali Al-Bashabshi, and the seminar chairman, Assistant Professor and Consulting Psychiatrist, Dr. Waddah Al-Almaee.

Following the speakers, there was an open forum in which a variety of subjects arose, such as travel and disease prevention for healthcare professionals. Finally, the Rector honored the participants and took commemorative photos.