King Khalid University


University Launches New Website Portal

King Khalid University - Media Center

His Excellency, King Khalid University Rector Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, commissioned the new and improved portal to the university website. The General Administration of Information Technology team at the university developed the portal. Rector Al-Solamy praised the development team for a job well done on this complex effort. He also noted that revising the portal required the cooperation of every college and department within the university. The portal serves the needs of students, faculty, administrative staff and website visitors with a wide variety of information and electronic services.

"This portal represents cutting-edge information technology management and stands among world-class university portals for its scope, depth and ease of use," said university CIO, Dr. Mohammed Alsaqer. Dr. Alsaqer thanked His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy and Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Saad Du'ajim, for their support.

Development specialist Abdulrahman Kamel explained that the new portal is accessible by those with special needs, and is compatible with smart devices and tablets. The portal is a single source for all university news and basic information required by students and faculty. The portal is fully operational in both Arabic and in English and has a user-focused and attractive design theme.

The new portal by the numbers:

  • Includes 1,118 discrete tasks;
  • Includes 4,628 web pages;
  • Required 21 programmers;
  • Required 8,116 programing hours;
  • Contains 11,900+ news articles.