AlHussein Al-Naimi: Achieving the University Excellence Award is a Results of the Environment Surrounding You


Mr. AlHussein bin Yahya Al-Naimi, from the Deanship of Human Resources, won  third place in the university excellence award employee category .

Al-Naimi is considered one of the distinguished employee  in the university, who is  keen to perform  tasks efficiently, and professionally. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from King Abdulaziz University,  a master’s degree in business administration also from King Khalid University, in addition to an English language diploma, and more than 48 training courses from  various entities such  as King Abdul Aziz city for Science and Technology, and the Institute of Public Administration.


During his career in administrative field , Al-Naimi worked in the University Agency  for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, the University Agency for Business and Knowledge Economy, and the Deanship of Human Resources. in addition to  publishing a number of scientific papers in local and international journals.


Al-Naimi confirmed  that obtaining this award is a result of  the being part of a  work environment that stimulates creativity, development and excellence. He thanked the Deanship of Human Resources for providing an opportunity for him to apply his expertise to achieve the goals and expectations of the university, he extended his thanks to His Excellency King Khalid University President  for his support and interest in  acknowledging  university  talents and  promoting excellence among university members.

